Kenna Blog
Thoughtful perspectives on Modern Vulnerability Management.
Power Couple: Kenna’s Vulnerability Intel + ServiceNow Vulnerability Response
Every once in a while, two things come together and create something new. Abbott and Costello. Johnny and June. Fred and Ginger. The whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.
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Company News
Kenna.VM is Now Cisco Vulnerability Management
Kenna.VM will now be featured as part of the Cisco portfolio under a new name: Cisco Vulnerability Managment.
Trending Vulns
April Vuln of the Month: The 100 Club
In our final Vuln of the Month edition, we’re looking at the 381 CVEs that earned a 100 Kenna Risk Score since NIST launched the NVD in 1999.
Trending Vulns
March Vuln of the Month: CVE-2023-23529
Threat actors can exploit this Vuln of the Month simply by phishing users into downloading the wrong code. Learn how to tackle it.
Trending Vulns
February Vuln of the Month: CVE-2022-37061
February's Vuln of the Month is special because for once, CVSS and the Kenna Risk Score are in alignment. Ready why this matters.
Cybersecurity Best Practices
Reactive vs. Proactive Security: Which Holds In a Threatening Future?
We break down reactive versus proactive security, how each approach handle breaches, and the capabilities that underscore security resilience.
Threat Intelligence
By the Numbers: 2022 CVE Data Review
To help organizations improve their vulnerability management strategies, we've rounded up some key 2022 CVE data findings.
5 Things Every CIO Should Know About VM
Read this eBook to learn what a modern vulnerability management approach means to your IT operation. You discover how it helps CIOs like you create more efficient and effective teams while reducing your company’s overall risk profile.
Download NowCybersecurity Best Practices
The 5 Remediation Metrics Your Program is Missing
Discover the five metrics you need to quantify how well your organization is managing threats and drive down risk.
Trending Vulns
January Vuln of the Month: CVE-2022-44698
A Windows vulnerability that has the potential to cause headaches for Microsoft shops that aren’t up to date on their patches.
Risk-Based Vulnerability Management
New Year, New Public Sector Vulnerability Management Goals
Start 2023 off right and make these critical changes to your vulnerability management program to achieve compliance with CISA BODs.
Company News
May 2023 Be Your Year of Resilience
As the stakes continue to rise, the need for organizational and security resilience is at an all-time high.
Kenna API
API Guy: Uploading a File to a Connector
Our very own API guy unpacks how to upload a file to a connector and a new Python CSV to Kenna Data Importer (KDI) JSON.
Trending Vulns
DECEMBER Vuln of the Month: CVE-2022-41128
A serious Windows vulnerability is December’s Vuln of the Month. Ready why this RCE scripting vuln can do a lot of damage.